Welcome, From XrayYankeeZuluPewPew!

It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance! Allow me to introduce myself.

I’m a firearms instructor, range safety officer, mother of three, and known somewhat fondly as Momma Bear behind the counter at work. This blog is a view from behind the range counter, with hopes to entertain and maybe educate along the way. There honestly is no such thing as a dull moment, as my fellow employees are a bunch of twisted bastards whom I love dearly. Our customers are awesome- not a day goes by that they don’t encourage, entertain, console and in general make our lives better.


Then we have the subjects of this blog, whom… well, they add quite a bit to our day as well. Sometimes they are the moments where we staffers all stand and look at each other, questioning, “Did that just REALLY happen?”. Other times, they are moments that band us together even stronger as we deal with potential threats, unruly people, and those who refuse to be safe no matter what.

So hang on. This is liable to be one hell of a ride. I won’t promise clean language. I won’t promise an always happy ending. But it’ll open your eyes to what it is really like to work in a gun store and on a top-notch range.


Welcome, From XrayYankeeZuluPewPew!